Optimal Wellness Blog

Chiropractic Wichita KS Health

Chiropractor Wichita Explains How To Tell If You’re Healthy

August 7, 2017

Chiropractor Wichita Explains How To Tell If You’re Healthy. The Big 3 Indicators. Many people get hung up on their weight to determine how healthy they are.  Weight by itself is actually a very poor indicator of overall health.  The same could be said for Body Mass Index (BMI).  BMI is a calculation based on height and weight. …

Chiropractic Wichita KS Back Pain

3 Tips to Dealing with Mid-Back Pain in Wichita

July 31, 2017

3 Tips to Dealing with Mid-Back Pain in Wichita Mid-back pain may not be as common as lower back or neck pain, but it can negatively affect your life in nonetheless.  Mid-back pain occurs in the thoracic spine and is often described as pain between the shoulder blades.  It is often caused by overuse, poor…

Chiropractic Wichita KS Athlete

4 Tips to Staying Hydrated in Wichita

July 24, 2017

4 Tips to Staying Hydrated in Wichita As we enter into the hottest time of the year, it is very important that you stay hydrated.  Your body is made up of 2/3rds water.  Water is critical to ensure that every system, organ and cell in your body is able to function properly.  When we don’t…

Chiropractic Wichita KS Athlete

Chiropractor Wichita Explains Why You May Be Suffering From Tight Hamstrings

July 19, 2017

Chiropractor Wichita Explains Why You May Be Suffering From Tight Hamstrings Have you ever driven with your car’s parking brake on? You probably didn’t drive very far before you realized that the car wasn’t driving or moving well.  This is the same thing that happens in the human body when we have tight hamstrings.  Tight…

Chiropractic Wichita KS TMJ Pain

6 All-Natural Treatment Options to Get Rid of TMJ Pain in Wichita

July 10, 2017

6 All-Natural Treatment Options to Get Rid of TMJ Pain in Wichita The Temporomandibular Joint or TMJ is the joint that connects your jawbone to your skull.  This joint along with its muscles are notorious for developing problems and causing symptoms such as jaw pain, clicking/popping of the jaw, ear pain and headaches.  Temporomandibular Joint…

Chiropractic Wichita KS Wellness

Wichita Chiropractor Provides 3 Tips for Choosing the Right Mattress & Pillow

June 28, 2017

Wichita Chiropractor Provides 3 Tips for Choosing the Right Mattress & Pillow Getting a good night’s sleep is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle.  Unfortunately, 30% of adults report that they suffer from the inability to sleep.  The mattress and pillow that we sleep on has a major impact on this.  If you think…