Optimal Wellness Blog

Chiropractic Wichita KS Neck Pain

Chiropractor Wichita Explains Everything You Should Know about Whiplash

June 21, 2017

Chiropractor Wichita Explains Everything You Should Know about Whiplash If you have ever been in a car accident in Wichita before, you have probably heard the term whiplash.  Each year, there are more than 2 million cases of whiplash.  A whiplash injury occurs when your head is suddenly jerked forward and backwards causing a neck…

Chiropractic Wichita KS Hand Pain

4 Ways To Know If You Have a Pinched Nerve in Wichita

June 16, 2017

4 Ways To Know If You Have a Pinched Nerve in Wichita If you have ever experienced neck or back pain, you’ve probably heard the term” pinched nerve.” A pinched nerve can happen when there are misalignments in the spine causing compression or irritation to the nerve. Many times, this compression or irritation can result…

Chiropractic Care in Wichita KS

The Best Time to See a Wichita Chiropractor

April 10, 2015

The Best Time to See a Wichita Chiropractor You might be surprised, but the best time to see a Wichita chiropractor is not when you’re in pain. It is best to start chiropractic care as an infant or child. Spinal trauma can start as early as birth or when we’re a child and fall frequently.…

Spinal health in Wichita KS

Inversion Table vs. Spinal Decompression by Hancock Spine & Rehab

March 27, 2015

Inversion Table vs. Spinal Decompression by Optimal Wellness I have a lot of patients that will ask me if I think an inversion table or spinal decompression therapy would be something that would be beneficial for their back or neck condition. The answer depends on several factors. First of all, let’s talk about what an…

Headache Tips

February 12, 2015

Headache Tips from a Wichita KS Chiropractor Although headaches are very common, it is important to understand that they are not normal to have. Think of headaches like a check engine light. It’s a warning that something is wrong with our body. There are many things that can trigger headaches or our check engine light,…

Chiropractic Care in Wichita KS

How Long Do I Have to See a Chiropractor?

January 13, 2015

How Long Do I Have To See A Wichita KS Chiropractor? Unfortunately there is not a simple answer to this question because it depends on several factors. In our Wichita office, we do a detailed exam and x-rays (if necessary) to determine the cause of the health problem and its condition. Our next step includes…